Bring AREN into the Classroom

The AREN projects aims to introduce concepts in remote sensing and atmospheric sciences in a way that is hands-on and engaging for learners of all ages. In addition, the projects intends for learners to engage in experiential education in a group setting to enhance social skills and develop the confidence to express opinions and actively listen to those of others. The below activities are organized by science concept and increasing difficulty in each subgroup.

Image Analysis and Remote Sensing

Exploring Light

example of light spectrum through spectroscope

Build a handheld spectroscope for learning about light and the electromagnetic spectrum

Manual Image Classification

example of classified image broken down into land cover types

Subdivide aerial image into different land cover types to create classified image and percentage for each type

Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Diagram depicting the Electromagnetic spectrum and the corresponding wavelengths

The lesson introduces electromagnetic waves, their behaviors, and how scientists visualize these data with engaging examples of NASA science.

Exploring Agriculture

satellite image of Idaho potato belt

This lesson uses satellite imagery and tools like Google Earth Pro to learn the roles of remote sensing in the field of agriculture

Exploring Amazonian Deforestation

satellite image of deforestation

This lesson seeks to engage students in an examination of how human activities modify the physical environment.

Exploring Disaster Management

satellite image of landscape after Mt. Saint Helen eruption

This lesson instructs about natural hazards, first by exploring the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens, and then looking at potential for natural hazards in their own community

Exploring Urban Use and Planning

satellite heat map of NYC

This lesson introduces urban land use and its growth as well as the impacts of urbanization and sustainability efforts to migrate the impacts

Exploring Water Use and Quality

satellite images showing the shrinkage of the Aral Sea

This lesson seeks to engage students in an examination of how human impacts on Earth
Systems by studying the shrinkage of the Aral Sea after the diversion of two major rivers

Exploring Wildlife Biology and Conservation

satellite image of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

This lesson seeks to engage students in an examination of how a changing climate effects the migratory behavior of arctic caribou herds

Georeferencing with QGIS

georeferenced aerial image in QGIS

This exercise will take an aerial image and transform it in QGIS by assigning spatial coordinates that correspond to actual coordinates on the ground

Green Leaf Index with QGIS

green leaf index performed on an aerial image

Use QGIS and Green Leaf Index algorithm to create an index of ‘Green-ness” of an aerial image which is a reasonable proxy for healthy vegetation

Changes in Landcover Over Time

aerial image of Phoenix over time

To enable students to analyze land cover change and to help them grasp the extent, significance, and consequences of land cover change

Wind and Weather

Exploring Surface Winds Using Mini-Kites

young child flying a miniature kite

Assemble a miniature kite and study ground level winds qualitatively by its effect on kites, trees, and other objects.

Boundary Layers Walk

graphic of students with ribbon wands

An outdoor activity introducing atmospheric turbulence and stratification to build an awareness of wind’s movement through the local environment 

Building a Wind Sock

Construct a wind sock and use it to measure wind speed and direction. Activity is on page 29 of the NASA Educator’s Guide linked below

Building a Barometer

diagram of homemade barometer

Construct barometric pressure gauges, monitor them throughout the week, and record the changes. Students will also analyze trends in the barometric pressure with
relation to weather patterns.

Investigating Winds at Altitude

graphic of sled kites flying

Students will assemble and fly a Frustrationless Flyer Sled Kite to sense the effects of winds at altitude, while experiencing the forces involved in the flight.

Construct a Wind Tunnel

handmade wind tunnel

Step my step instructions for designing and constructing a classroom wind tunnel for furthering studies in aerodynamics.

Math and Physics

Forces on a Kite

diagram of mini kite dimensions

Learn about aerodynamic forces on a kite before designing and assembling miniature kites to test their success in flying

Flying a Paper Kite

Construct a sled kite from paper and study how to change kite altitude and how tails affect flight. Activity is on page 44 of the NASA Educator’s Guide linked below

Lift and Drag

printable template for indoor diamond kite

Participants will  construct an indoor kite with several options for making their own design choices and testing the impact of those choices

Estimating Biomass Loss from Fire

before and after aerial images from Greece fires 2007

Students analyze the data from the 2007 Greece fires to determine the scale, area, and percentage of the forest impacted by these fires.

Studying Wildfires from Space

aerial image of 2014 King fire in California

In this activity, students learn how scientists assess wildfires using remote sensing. Students then use some of the same techniques to solve grade-level appropriate math problems.

GLOBE Connection

The GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program is an international science and education program that focuses on promoting scientific literacy and building connections between people passionate about the environment. GLOBE partners with the AEROKATS program and there are several GLOBE bundles that correspond with the science goals of the project.

More information about AEROKATS and GLOBE can be found at the following webpage:

Related GLOBE Protocols and Bundles