Exploring Surface Temperature with AREN TerraROVER
Join the AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network for three online sessions in May to learn new ways your students can explore how surface materials impact local temperatures and produce phenomena such as the Urban Heat Island Effect. Use GLOBE measurement protocols, discover lessons from My NASA Data, and learn how to operate and use a NASA/AREN TerraROVER to collect and analyze your own surface temperature data.

Apply to participate though this link: https://tinyurl.com/AREN-TR23
A limited number of spaces are available for this opportunity. Applicants will be notified by April 10th.
Selected participants will receive a TerraROVER for their school and all materials necessary to complete the workshop and related activities.
- Workshop Dates: May 9th – 11th (three ONLINE sessions)
- Workshop Times: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET
- Training materials will be provided (including a TerraROVER)
- Opportunity for ongoing PD with additional resources